Market acceptance for Shape from Shading

Product testing with image processing

We are extremely happy about the excellent response for our Shape-from Shading products. Our Shape-from-Shading CIS combines all components for Shape-from-Shading images – 4 directional light sources, illumination controller, driver and CIS sensor in one housing and thus provides complete sets of 4 raw images for further processing via software (Halcon or Cognex) or FPGA (MSTVision).
To assist our customers even better, we have equipped our Imaging Lab with image conversion software. This allows us to deliver complete meaningful sets of test images already at the start of the project – here is a simple example of raw and evaluated images and the 3D presentation generated from it.
Upon customer request, we extend the product range from the previous red illumination (best efficiency, excellently suitable for metal and paper) to white illumination in order to precisely detect dark and colored objects as well.

Posted in General, Shape from Shading.