CIS for Shape from Shading Applications

New CIS generation gets a new unique light option!

Tichawa Vision has developed the world’s first Contact Image Sensor with integrated quad directional dark field illumination.

The resulting images are specially designed for industrial image processing. Due to precise correlation of the four “shadow cast” images, an algorithmic evaluation à la Shape from Shading can be performed.

This makes it possible to perfectly visualize topographies and structures with heights ranging from a few micrometers to a few millimeters. Furthermore, for example, writing and imprints can be displayed separately from embossings. Your structural quality inspection thus reaches a completely new level and makes it easy for your software solution.

A small sample can be found in the shown scan of a tablet package. As an illustration, shadowgraphs are shown with their characteristics and topographies.
The upper 4 images represent the shadowgraphs. The lower 4 images embody their expressions (upper left: GradX, top right: GradY, bottom left: Height and bottom right: Albedo without topography). Embossed Braille and print are thus wonderfully distinguishable.

Posted in General, Shape from Shading.