Tichawa Vision GmbH invites you to Tube 2022 in Düsseldorf

Get to know our technology for quality control of tubes inside and outside Dear customers, this year the Tichawa Vision GmbH is for the first time on the TUBE in Düsseldorf. Visit us at our booth 6C17 in hall 6. Our modern CIS technology can be used in a variety of ways for the quality control […]

Production well organized despite material bottlenecks

Currently we are unrestrictedly deliverable Tichawa Vision is also having to deal with significant procurement problems in the current situation. We have come to grips with these formidable challenges using a combination of the following approaches. We had and still have a very large inventory and sophisticated production planning compared to other industries and have […]

RingCIS for tube inspection

Tichawa Vision is participating at Control 2022 again after a long break due to Corona and will present the RingCIS. What is a RingCIS? The well-proven CIS (Contact Image Sensor) bent into a “tube” results in a RingCIS. Of course, it’s not so simple! Our engineers have adapted Tichawa Vision’s proven CIS technology to the requirements […]

Tichawa Vision at the 34th Control 2022

Live demos of our technologies at the show We would be pleased to welcome you in hall A6 / stand 6224! Tichawa Vision GmbH will participate again this year at Control, the international trade fair for quality assurance technology in Stuttgart.  We will present our leading Contact Image Sensors (CIS) there. You will have the […]

CIS with higher operating distance

The new product family VUCIS gets optionally a higher working distance In the new scanner generation of Tichawa Vision, a larger working distance is now also realized with the proven Contact Image Sensor technology. Distances of 10 mm were common. With the new standard option of 23 mm – in special even up to 28 mm […]

Tichawa Vision Exposition 2022

Dear customers,as an expression of our gratitude for our collaboration, we would like to invite you to Control 2022 from 03.05.2022 – 06.05.2022! 

Market acceptance for Shape from Shading

Product testing with image processing We are extremely happy about the excellent response for our Shape-from Shading products. Our Shape-from-Shading CIS combines all components for Shape-from-Shading images – 4 directional light sources, illumination controller, driver and CIS sensor in one housing and thus provides complete sets of 4 raw images for further processing via software (Halcon […]

CIS with 16 illumination geometries

Tichawa Vision’s new VUCIS product family supports 16 illumination geometries and 10 illumination colors Tichawa Vision introduced a new product family the V(ARI) U(niversal) CIS (VUCIS) earlier this year. The VUCIS, which is available in lengths up to 1820mm, can be supplied with a choice of 16 different illumination geometries and 10 different illumination colors. The […]

CIS for Shape from Shading Applications

New CIS generation gets a new unique light option! Tichawa Vision has developed the world’s first Contact Image Sensor with integrated quad directional dark field illumination. The resulting images are specially designed for industrial image processing. Due to precise correlation of the four “shadow cast” images, an algorithmic evaluation à la Shape from Shading can […]

VTVDCIS Firmware 4.16

Standardized VTVDCIS firmware 4.16 with 1-6 colours We have further developed our VTVDCIS firmware, which has been proven for years, and unified it a bit again. Now a single source code version handles all models for one to six colors or exposure phases. Immediate customer benefits are higher quality and a further standardized interface with support […]